Frequently Asked Questions

What if the user does not have a phone, and how dependent is ParkinSense on a phone?
Right now, ParkinSense requires the users to have a phone, but during later stages, we will explore other options that involve providing alternative hardware for patients to use. Furthermore, the mean age of Parkinson’s onset is 50 years old which is relatively young, so it is very likely that most patients would have a phone anyway.
What if you’re using a caregiver’s phone?
ParkinSense would operate the same way except the caregiver would receive all notifications. They would be able to set the frequency of notifications as agreeable to both caregiver and patient.
How do you improve the 6 month wait period if patients can only see doctors every 6 months anyway, regardless of your product?
Patients are typically able to schedule calls with specialists which can occur more frequently than seeing them in person. With proper coordination, a patient could send the specialist their report, view the report while on the phone, and allow the specialist to make a very well-informed recommendation without needing to rely on in person meetings or hazy recounts.
Doctors don’t want too many notifications or e-mails, so how do you take this into account?
It will be primarily up to the patient and doctor to determine an appropriate frequency of sending summary reports to the doctor. We simply provide the materials that the patient would share.
How are we different?
It is relatively difficult to make a product that is technically accurate and affordable. We are able to do this since we have a unique team of specialists who understand Parkinson’s Disease very well and the needs of patients as well as dedicated software developers.
What is the point of a patient viewing a summary report if they cannot change their medications until they see their doctor anyway?
One of the goals of ParkinSense is to make Parkinson’s patients feel more informed with their prognosis, so by providing a summary report, we are making their status as transparent as possible for them. This report can also tell patients if they should try to schedule a call or appointment with specialists sooner rather than later.

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A simple step forward can change your life. Try our new wearable and download our app to keep a track of your tremors.

Learn more about the wearable

Visit the website here or download the manual to understand how the wearable works.